Information about your account, software, technology and other topics.

Submit a TicketGet in Touch

Account Related

Open an account?

• First please complete the application process by clicking on OPEN AN ACCOUNT above

Once you have agreed to the TradeStation Agreements, you must go on to complete the Interactive Brokers account application

Applications will be processed within 3 business days of the receipt of the application under normal business conditions.

• Once your account has been approved you can fund your account by Wire, ACH, and other methods. You must first notify Interactive Brokers about the transfer – Please follow these instructions. This process will provide you with all the details (e.g., ABA number, Swift BIC Code and bank account number) in a printable form which you, in turn, can provide to your bank in order for it to initiate the wire transfer. See for more information and instructions.

Please note – In order to receive your TradeStation Global platform you must fund your account. After funding you will receive access to the TradeStation platform via email.

What documents do I need to open an account with Interactive Brokers?

In order to open an account with Interactive Brokers you must submit

  • one type of Photo ID
  • one address verification document

You can find which documents are acceptable for different regions here

What currency can I fund in?

Clients can hold multiple currencies in their IBKR account. Clients can generally deposit and withdraw funds in the currency of their residential country, the base currency of their account, or a common currency (USD, EUR, HKD, GBP, AUD, SGD, CHF, CAD or JPY). Please note that IBKR will not automatically convert currency when placing a withdrawal. The currencies that can be held are:

• Australian Dollar (AUD)
• British Pound (GBP)
• Canadian Dollar (CAD)
• Chinese Offshore Yuan (CNH)
• Czech Koruna (CZK)
• Danish Krone (DKK)
• Euro (EUR)
• Hong Kong Dollar (HKD)
• Hungarian Forint (HUF)
• Israeli Shekel (ISL)
• Japanese Yen (JPY)
• Korean Won (KRW)
• Mexican Peso (MXN)
• New Zealand Dollar (NZD)
• Norwegian Krone (NOK)
• Polish Zloty (PLN)
• Russian Ruble (RUB)
• Singapore Dollar (SGD)
• South African Rand (ZAR)
• Swedish Krone (SEK)
• Swiss Franc (CHF)
• Turkish Lira (TRY)
• United States Dollar (USD)

For more information, please visit here

How long does it typically take for the account to be opened?

Applications will be processed within 3 business days of the receipt of the application under normal business conditions.

I am a current client of TradeStation – how can I link my TradeStation platform to an Interactive Brokers account?

Please click on OPEN AN ACCOUNT and ‘’CREATE AN ACCOUNT” in order to begin your new account opening process for this TradeStation Global and Interactive Brokers brokerage account. Your new account will be independent from your existing TradeStation (US) brokerage account.

I am a current client of Interactive Brokers but would like access to the TradeStation platform.

In order to get access to the TradeStation platform you must click on OPEN AN ACCOUNT and then click on “LINK MY IB ACCOUNT’. You must accept our Terms and Conditions and then contact your Interactive Brokers account representative to finalise the process.

How can I close my account?

In order to close your account please follow the instructions found here.

Fees & commissions

What are your fees and commission?

Please see here for commissions and fees.

Is there a platform fee? If so how much?

There is no separate fee for the TradeStation platform with this TradeStation Global product

Do you offer commission discounts for institutional and high volume traders?

Please email us if you wish to discuss high volume discounts. Based on your trading history with other brokers and other factors we may be able to customise a commission plan to suit your needs.


What is the minimum deposit?

As this TradeStation Global and Interactive Brokers product is geared towards professional/active traders. You must also have good or extensive knowledge of the products that you wish to trade.

Is there a minimum level of trading activity required?

No, however we reserve the right to review inactive accounts on a regular basis, contact clients and take any appropriate action.

How do I deposit, withdraw and transfer funds and positions?

Funds management, such as depositing, withdrawing, and transferring cash and positions into and out of Interactive Brokers, is administered through the Interactive Brokers Account Management Tool. Use your login credentials to log into Account Management from the Login menu on the Interactive Brokers website, or access it directly from within TWS using the Account Management command on the View menu.c. Please see here for more information.

How can I deposit funds by wire transfer?

To make a wire deposit to your account, you will first need to provide a deposit notification through Interactive Brokers Account Management. Once logged into Account Management, select the Funds Management and then Funds Transfers menu options. From there you will select the Transaction Type of “Deposit” and the Method of “Wire”.

How can I check my funding status?

Overview: Interactive Brokers provides account holders with a tool that delivers real-time updates and current status of all deposit and withdrawal transactions relating to both cash and positions which have taken place over the prior 45 calendar day period. This tool is made available through the secure Account Management application and may be accessed via Funding and then view Transaction History menu options.


Important Margin Disclosures

Margin transactions are subject to initial and maintenance margin requirements of exchanges, clearinghouses and regulators and also to any additional margin requirement of Interactive Brokers, which may be greater (“Margin Requirements”). Interactive Brokers MAY MODIFY MARGIN REQUIREMENTS FOR ANY OR ALL CUSTOMERS FOR ANY OPEN OR NEW POSITIONS AT ANY TIME, IN INTERACTIVE BROKER’S SOLE DISCRETION. Customer shall monitor his, her or its account so that at all times the account contains sufficient equity to meet Margin Requirements. Interactive Brokers may reject any order if the account has insufficient equity to meet Margin Requirements, and may delay processing any order while determining margin status. Customer shall maintain, without notice or demand, sufficient equity at all times to continuously meet Margin Requirements.

Please see here for our margin policies as executed by Interactive Brokers

Other Account related Questions

Who do I contact for brokerage related issues?

For brokerage related queries you can create a ticket in your Interactive Brokers Client Portal. From Account Management you can contact Client Services creating a new ticket simply clicking on menu Support > Support Home > Message Center. From TWS click on menu Help > Customer Service > Open Message Center.

Am I a Professional or Non-Professional data subscriber?

Most exchanges and data vendors classify clients as either non-professional or professional. By default, organizations such as corporations, limited liability companies, partnerships and any account where the data is used for more than personal investment purposes is deemed to be professional. In addition, private persons may be considered professional if they are registered as a security or investment advisor, or act in a similar capacity. A trader who is employed by a financial services business may also be considered a professional. Click here for more information about non-professional qualifications.

What exchanges are available?

Please see Exchange listings here

How do I monitor my account?

TradeStation Global allows you to monitor your account balances and current positions. As well as Interactive Brokers provides multiple, customizable tools and resources to help you monitor the performance of your portfolio and measure it against popular benchmarks, see your real time account balances, check P&L and margin requirements, and analyze and adjust your risk profile to keep your portfolio within the limits of your risk tolerance.

Statements and Tax Report

Where can I find transaction or trade history?

The best place to find all of your trades and other activity is in your Activity Statement.For more detail, please visit here

Where are my old statements?

Daily activity statements are available online through IBKR via the Reports menu in Client Portal for the past 4 years, monthly activity statements for the past 60 months and annual statements for the past 5 years. Statements are available for an additional 2 years beyond this and are available in electronic format only (delivered via email). A closed account will still have access to Client Portal, where you can download closed account statements no more than 5 years old selecting menu Reports and Statements.

For more detail, please visit here

Where can I get historical and current tax forms?

Log into Interactive Brokers Client Portal and access your tax forms for the past five (5) most recent calendar years.

1. Log into Client Portal.
2. Click the Reports menu followed by Tax Documents.
3. In the Tax Forms area select the relevant tax year to view the tax forms currently available for your account.

For more detail, please visit here

Software and Technology Related

Getting started, Configuration & Login

What platforms can I trade on when I subscribe to this product?

You will have access to the TradeStation platform but will also be able to use Interactive Brokers TWS, Mobile and online platforms.

What are the system requirements for installing the TradeStation Global – Interactive Brokers product?

How can I download the TradeStation platform?

As soon as you have opened and funded your TradeStation Global account with Interactive Brokers, you can download both platforms from our website through this link: Download Platform TSG – TWS | TradeStation Global (tradestation-international.com). Please follow the instructions on the website to properly install and configure the platforms.

How do I get started with the latest version of the TradeStation Global – Interactive Brokers product?

1. Download and install Interactive Brokers Trader Workstation (TWS) and TradeStation Global from our website: Download Platform TSG – TWS | TradeStation Global (tradestation-international.com). Here is a short Video tutorial on how to do it: Installing TWS and Tradestation Global – YouTube
2. Configure the API settings on TWS following this video tutorial: TradeStation Global | API Settings in TWS – YouTube
3. You will only need to verify your configuration settings when you reinstall and/or upgrade. Note: if you have multiple Interactive Brokers credentials (username and password), you will need to configure the API for each set of credentials.
4. Make sure you started TWS and connected to your Interactive Brokers account before running TradeStation Global.

I seem to be having an issue with TradeStation Global not loading up correctly. What settings should I use to configure it?

1. Download and install Interactive Brokers Trader Workstation (TWS) and TradeStation Global from our website: Download Platform TSG – TWS | TradeStation Global (tradestation-international.com). Here is a short Video tutorial on how to do it:Installing TWS and Tradestation Global – YouTube
2. Configure the API settings on TWS following this video tutorial: TradeStation Global | API Settings in TWS – YouTube
3. You will only need to verify your configuration settings when you reinstall and/or upgrade. Note: if you have multiple Interactive Brokers credentials (username and password), you will need to configure the API for each set of credentials.
4. Make sure you started TWS and connected to your Interactive Brokers account before running TradeStation Global.
5. Make sure that you have the authorized version of Interactive Brokers Trader Workstation (TWS) for TradeStation Global installed on your computer.
6. Make sure you have properly configured the API settings on TWS before running TradeStation Global
7. Check that you are using the latest version of TradeStation Global by going to Help → Update Manager. If there is an available update, proceed to install it.
8. Check the firewall settings on your computer to allow access permissions to the following TradeStation files:

  • ORCAL.exe – TradeStation Client Access Layer
  • ORChart.exe – TradeStation Charting
  • ORCLPrxy.exe – TradeStation Client Proxy
  • ORDLLHst.exe – TradeStation History
  • ORPlat.exe – TradeStation Platform Executable
  • PatchDownloader.exe – Patch Downloader
  • PatchInstaller.exe – Patch Installer
  • TSDev.exe – TradeStation Development Environment
  • TSQuote.exe – Quote Analysis
  • TSRPTS.exe – Reports Documents
  • TSSupp.exe – TSHelp Mode
  • WHServer.exe – Warehouse Server

9. Be advised that some settings may be managed by your organization specially if you are using a work or school computer. In the case that you cannot make modifications to the firewall, please contact your system/network administrator for additional assistance.
10. For additional information on antiviruses configuration you can refer to the links added into the PDF file below:

Once I've configured the Interactive Brokers TWS Gateway, can I log in using another set of Interactive Brokers credentials (username and password)?

No. Your configuration will not transfer to a different set of credentials. You will need to configure the API for each set of Interactive Brokers credentials that you may have, following the steps in the “To Configure the TWS Gateway” section above.

Can I log into TradeStation Global using my existing TradeStation (US) credentials (username and password)?

No. You will be issued new TradeStation Global credentials once you have completed the online application process for TradeStation Global and Interactive Brokers. To log in to the TradeStation Global platform you will need to use your specific TradeStation Global credentials.

Can I run Trader Workstation and Interactive Broker Gateway at the same time?

Yes. You can run both applications on the same computer at the same time; however, you cannot be logged into both applications with the same user ID and establish a connection with the TradeStation Global platform. The TradeStation Global platform will only establish one connection with the first active connection that it detects with either the Trader Workstation or the Interactive Brokers Gateway. *Note: If you are signed up for the TradeStation-Interactive Brokers BETA program you should only be using the TWS Gateway.


How do I find a ticker symbol using the symbology in the TradeStation Global platform?

Here is a short video tutorial for Symbol lookup in TradeStation Global: How to Search for a Symbol in TradeStation Global – YouTube

What is the syntax of the TradeStation Global platform symbology?

The symbol syntax is: .-‘

Note: there is a period after the Ticker Symbol, a hyphen after the Currency, and an apostrophe after the Route.
Below are the details for each term in the symbology:
•Ticker Symbol: the exchange issued three or four letter symbol that is industry standard.
•Currency: the currency in which the symbol trades in, dependent upon which country the exchange is located.
•Route: the path of execution for an order. The TradeStation Global platform defaults to “SMART”, similar to “Intelligent” in the US-based version of the TradeStation platform. SMART works similarly in that it seeks out the route with the highest liquidity for a particular symbol.

If there is a specific exchange or ECN you would like to route to directly, for example, NASDAQ, or ARCA, you can enter your route of choice in place of the word “SMART”. If you do not know the alternative routes, you can enter a ticker symbol in the Symbol input field and the drop-down-combo box will populate with the available route options for the symbol you entered.
•Asset Class: refers to the category of the instrument, including:
•Stock: STK
•Option: OPT
•Future: FUT
•Forex: CASH
•Contract for Difference: CFD

Here are examples of the correct syntax for each asset class:

Ticker symbol AAPL – Apple Inc.
•AAPL.USD-SMART’STK: The top default listing if you were to simply enter AAPL in the symbol box.
•AAPL.USD-ARCA’STK: One of the available listed routes for AAPL. The route listings that appear depend on the ticker symbol entered; not all symbols share the same tradable routes.
•AAPL.MXN-MEXI’STK: An available route listing which represents that Apple Inc. stock is traded in currencies other than the U.S. dollar. Here, the Mexican peso is the currency and the Mexican stock exchange is the route.
•AAPL.USD-SMART’CFD: The syntax for the Apple Contract for Difference (CFD) for Equities (traded in the Equity tab of the platform).

•DAXM17.EUR-DTB’FUT: The top default listing if you were to simply enter DAX in the symbol box. Entering DAX also provides listings for other months, for example, U17, Z17, etc..

•EUR.USD-IDEALPRO’CASH: The top default listing if you were to simply enter EUR in the Forex tab currency pair box. Entering DAX also provides listings for Forex CFDs.

Is there a shorter syntax to use when entering ticker symbols manually?

Yes. Here are some examples of a shorter syntax you can use:

•Enter AAPL (or any other NASDAQ traded symbol) in the symbol box, press the Enter key, and it will be converted to AAPL.USD-NASDAQ\SMART’STK
•Enter AAPL’CFD in the symbol box, press the Enter key, and it will be converted to AAPL.USD-SMART’CFD

•Enter DAX in the symbol box, press the Enter key, and it will be converted to DAXM17.EUR-DTB’FUT. Entering DAX also provides listings for other months, for example, U17, Z17, etc..

•Enter EUR.USD (or any other currency pair) in the Forex tab currency pair box, press the Enter key, and it will be converted to EUR.USD-IDEALPRO’CASH

How do I add products and market data?

Add new trading products and manage your subscription-based market data feeds at any time by logging into Interactive Brokers Account Management going to Account settings → User Settings → Trading Platform → Market Data subscriptions and click on the gear icon.

What is the speed and reliability of the data I am seeing in the TradeStation Global platform?

The TradeStation Global platform’s data is provided by its connection to Interactive Brokers. Therefore, the speed of market data, the speed of trade execution as well as the overall performance and reliability of data being displayed in TradeStation Global is relying 100% on the Interactive Brokers source.

In TradeStation Global, will I see all the information available to me about my account, like I see in Trader Workstation?

TradeStation Global displays all the account information it receives from Interactive Brokers either via TWS or the Interactive Brokers Gateway API, and passes those values directly through to the TradeStation Global platform. While we display the majority of the information available in TWS, the 1% difference is because some data values are hard-coded into the TWS platform, the calculations of which are not shared externally from TWS.

Will TradeStation Global remain synchronized with Trader Workstation overnight?

No, they will not remain connected overnight. TWS will automatically shut down nightly. You will need to restart both TWS and TradeStation Global in the morning.

What happens if my platform crashes and I have open positions?

If you are running the TradeStation Global platform and Interactive Brokers Traders WorkStation (TWS) simultaneously, and the TradeStation Global platform fails, you can close your open positions and take control of your account using TWS.

If the issue persists, please open a ticket through our support website at Submit a Ticket | Support | TradeStation Global (tradestation-international.com)

If you need to urgently close a position and cannot access TWS, webtrading, or the IBKR mobile app please contact the IB TradeDesk using the number found in this link https://www.interactivebrokers.com/en/support/customer-service.php?p=contact

What do the letters represent on the Bid/Ask column in the Market Depth window?

On the Bid/Ask column in the Market Depth window, the letter(s) are abbreviations for the exchanges/ECNs on the National Best Bid and Offer (NBBO). There is not always an alphabetical correlation between the exchange abbreviation and the ECN it represents. For example, P = ARCA, Q = Island, and R = BATS. You can hover over the abbreviation to see a pop-up with the full exchange name.

What are some of the implications of using SMART order routing?

One of the implications of using SMART order routing is that if you subscribe to the London Stock Exchange (LSE) market data for a particular symbol, you are not necessarily subscribed to the accompanying ECN(s). However, be aware that your order, when using SMART, may get filled on the ECN(s) and not the LSE. The ECN National Best Bid and Offer (NBBO) can be trading significantly away from the price quote of the LSE and NBBO.

I am seeing a discrepancy between TradeStation Global and the IB TWS platform for the same item

Please restart both Tradestation and TWS platforms; if the discrepancy continues, please open a ticket through our support website at Submit a Ticket | Support | TradeStation Global (tradestation-international.com)

TWS is the primary source of data and trade information.

Why is the instrument I am trading not converting into the currency of my account correctly in my order confirmation message?

We are working on the continued development of the conversion factors across all currencies. When trading FX currency pairs, please verify the information in the confirmation dialog box before placing your order.

I collapsed my virtual view in TWS. Now I can’t get Forex P/L values in TWS or TradeStation Global. What should I do?

If you collapse the FX Portfolio – Virtual FX Positions in TWS it shuts down the data feed, and you will stop receiving Forex P/L data. To avoid the issue, keep your Virtual FX Positions view expanded.

I sometimes see differing Open, High, Low, Close values for a bar formed in real-time, than when my chart refreshes or upon the opening of a new bar. Is there something wrong with my charts?

No, there is nothing wrong with your charts. When sending the true 5-second bar at the end of the 5-second cycle, you may see differing Open, High, Low, and Close values.
TWS calculates the bars from the real-time data it receives. The real-time data is not tick-by-tick; rather it represents most up-to-date data available. At the end of the time period, TWS receives a complete (slightly delayed) bar from Interactive Brokers’ servers, which is calculated from every tick. The platform will issue updates when accurate 5-second bar information arrives.

I am trying to look at a chart and received an error, “Data request failed. Account not enabled for the data.” What should I do?

1. Check that you have the correct data subscription bundle for the symbol you are trying to see on the chart.
2. If not, to know what real time data bundles are required to have data on that symbol, follow the steps below:

  1. Login to your Interactive Brokers account.
  2. Go to the Support dropdown menu at the top right side of the site.
  3. Go to Support Home.
  4. Go to Market Data Assistant.
  5. Enter the symbol and the exchange then, click on search


3. Check that you have the proper permissions for the symbol you want to see on the chart.
4. If the issue persists, please open a ticket through our support website at Submit a Ticket | Support | TradeStation Global (tradestation-international.com)

Can I use other trading tools from Interactive Brokers to trade?

As well as the TradeStation platform, Interactive Brokers has several trading platforms designed to meet the different trading needs of our customers. Your login credentials give you access to all these trading platforms, including the Interactive Brokers’ desktop platforms WebTrader and TWS or mobile solutions. Several API solutions are also available to connect to Interactive Brokers using your own front end.


How can I see charts in TradeStation Global for EU stocks? What feeds do I need to subscribe to?

You will need to subscribe to all of the components of SMART to see the charts for EU stocks. Please also see the SMART FAQ above for more information.

How do I apply an indicator to a chart?

To apply an indicator to a chart, follow these steps:
1.Along the top of the platform, select Insert, and then select Indicator from the menu. You may also right-click on the background of a chart and select Insert Analysis Technique from the menu.
2.Select an indicator.
3.To format the indicator before you insert it, select the Prompt for Format checkbox. Otherwise, clear the checkbox to apply the indicator using its default values.
4.Click OK.
5.In order to enable alerts, right-click the analysis technique and select Alert from the shortcut menu.
6.Select the Enable Alert option for the type of messaging you want to use.

Note: The drawing objects that support alerts are Andrews Pitchfork, Fibonacci Tools (except the Price Retracement Calculator and Speed Resistance Arcs), Gann Fann, Horizontal Line, Vertical Line, Regression Channel, Time Cycle, and Trendline.

How do I stop the sound alert from continuously beeping?

If you do not want the alert to be set in this manner, you can set it to play once instead of play continuously, by following these steps:
1.Right-click on the chart and choose “Format indicator.”
2.Once in the Format Indicator dialog, click on the Alerts tab. At the bottom of this dialog, check either “Alert once” or “Alert once per bar.”

Note: Once this is disabled you will need to go back into the indicator and re-enable the alert.

How do I select different chart data intervals?

Here is a short video tutorial on how to change the intervals on a chart: TradeStation Global | Changing Interval – YouTube

Getting Help

How can I find out about current issues in Interactive Brokers Trader Workstation?

To sign up to receive flash bulletins from Interactive Brokers, follow these steps: in the Trader Workstation Configuration -> Display -> Sub-menu toolbar -> check Bulletins. When you load the Trader Workstation platform and there is an issue, BULLETIN will flash in the top right corner where DATA is typically displayed. Click on the word BULLETIN and a dialog box will appear. Bulletins will not display if the Interactive Brokers standalone API Gateway is used.

How do I get help for the TradeStation Global platform?

Here is how you can find help for your TradeStation Global platform:
1. Go to our FAQs site: TradeStation Global Support | FAQs (tradestation-international.com)
2. Go to the video tutorials we have on our website: Videos | Quick Tips | TradeStation Global Platform (tradestation-international.com)
3. You can also submit a ticket online in case that you have an ongoing issue or inquiry you need help to resolve: Submit a Ticket | Support | TradeStation Global (tradestation-international.com
Please note that you can also attend our “Getting Started with TradeStation Global” and “Advanced TradeStation Global Techniques” Webinars. Email reminders are sent every week.

I am having trouble using the TradeStation platform – who can I contact for assistance?

If you are having problems using the TradeStation Global platform please submit a ticket online on our Support page and a representative will be contacting you within 24 to 48 hours by email: Submit a Ticket | Support | TradeStation Global (tradestation-international.com

Mobile App

Do you have a mobile app?

Interactive Brokers Mobile can be download from the AppStore(IPhone), and Android from their respective store. TWS mobile installs like any other app.

Partnership Opportunities

Can I refer clients to TradeStation Global? Or Can I partner with TradeStation Global?

Referrers are not employees or agents of TradeStation Global but may recommend TSG’s services in connection with the referrer’s primary employment or business.

If you are in the business of education and training, providing information or tools to traders or investors, or a regulated financial entity, please email us your contact details to TradeStationGlobal@tradestation.com and we shall be in touch to discuss our various partnership options.